Zip Code:

95615, Courtland, CA

95615 is a California Zip code within the city of Courtland and the county of Sacramento County. Its population is roughly 704.

The Real Estate Market in Courtland, CA

The Courtland, CA zip code 95615 has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000 which is significantly lower than the national median household income of $53,046. The unemployment rate in this zip code is also significantly higher than the national unemployment rate of 4.1%.

Despite these significant economic challenges, home prices in the Courtland, CA zip code have been steadily increasing over the past several years. In March of 2018, the median home price in this zip code was $269,500 which is up from $242,500 in March of 2017 and up from $217,500 in March of 2016. This steady increase in home prices has resulted in a significant increase in homeowners' equity (the value of a homeowner's home minus all outstanding debt on that home). As of March 2018, the homeowners' equity for homes located within the Courtland, CA zip code was valued at $191,200 which is up from $157,600 as of March 2017 and up from $130,800 as of March 2016.

While there are many factors that can influence home prices (including interest rates and local market conditions), it appears that homeowners' equity growth within the Courtland CA zip code has been driven primarily by increasing house values rather than by an increase in mortgage payments or other debt obligations. This suggests that despite challenging economic conditions within this area and across much of California overall - homeownership remains an attractive investment option for those who are able to purchase a property within this area.

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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