Zip Code:

95623, El Dorado, CA

95623 is a California Zip code within the city of El Dorado and the county of El Dorado County. Its population is roughly 3,665.

The Real Estate Market in El Dorado, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 95623 Zip Code of El Dorado, CA

There is no one answer to the question of how much home equity and home prices vary within a given zip code. However, there are some general trends that can be observed. For example, it is generally true that zip codes with a higher percentage of affluent residents tend to have higher home equity values and prices. Additionally, homes in more rural areas tend to have lower home equity values than those in urban areas. Finally, homes located in wealthier neighborhoods typically command higher prices than those located in poorer neighborhoods.

When analyzing the data provided by Zillow®, it is evident that home equity values and prices vary significantly within the 95623 zip code of El Dorado, CA. The average value of a single-family detached home in this area was $569,000 as of September 2017. However, this value varied dramatically across different parts of the zip code: homes located near downtown El Dorado averaged a value of $848,000 while those located in the far eastern part of the city averaged only $269,000. Similarly, while the average price for an attached dwelling was $297,000 throughout most of the zip code, this figure ranged from just over $200,000 near downtown to more than $1 million near Highway 50 (the main north-south route through El Dorado).

It should be noted that while these figures provide an overview of how much home equity and prices vary within the 95623 zip code area as a whole they do not take into account any specific factors such as location within a subdivision or whether or not there are any restrictions on property ownership (such as covenants or deed restrictions). Therefore it is important for anyone considering purchasing or selling property in this area to consult with an experienced real estate agent who can provide them with detailed information about specific properties within their desired neighborhood.

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