Zip Code:

95634, Georgetown, CA

95634 is a California Zip code within the city of Georgetown and the county of El Dorado County. Its population is roughly 3,559.

The Real Estate Market in the 95634 Zip Code of Georgetown, CA

Georgetown, CA is located in the 95634 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $527,000. The median home equity value in this zip code is $187,500. Home prices have increased significantly over the past few years, and they are projected to continue to rise in the near future.

There are a number of reasons why home prices have increased so much in Georgetown over the past few years. First and foremost, there is an abundance of available housing stock in this area. Second, Georgetown has experienced strong economic growth over the past few years, which has led to an increase in job opportunities and wages. Finally, there has been a significant increase in demand for housing due to rising rates of inflation and unemployment across the country.

Despite these positive factors, there are also some potential downside risks that could affect home prices in Georgetown down the road. For example, if interest rates begin to rise again (as they have done recently), then homeowners who owe high levels of mortgage debt will likely experience significant financial difficulties when their loans come due. Additionally, if there is a sudden decrease in economic activity or housing values within Georgetown (which could happen if there is a recession), then homeowners may find it difficult to sell their homes at current prices.

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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