Zip Code:

95670, Rancho Cordova, CA

95670 is a California Zip code within the city of Rancho Cordova and the county of Sacramento County. Its population is roughly 55,558.

Rancho Cordova: A Brief History of Real Estate in the 95670 Zip Code

Rancho Cordova is located in the Sacramento metropolitan area and has a population of approximately 106,000. The median household income in Rancho Cordova is $92,000, which is higher than the California median of $68,000. The median home value in Rancho Cordova is $547,500, which is higher than the California median of $424,900.

The 95670 zip code has a high home equity and home prices compared to other areas of California. In 2016, the average home value in Rancho Cordova was 8% higher than the statewide average and 18% higher than the national average. Home equity values have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand and limited supply. As a result, many homeowners in Rancho Cordova are able to borrow against their homes equity to finance other expenses or invest in other assets.

Despite these high values, there are still many homeowners who are able to afford their homes without using any of their home equity. Many homeowners use HELOCs (home equity loans) or lines of credit to cover unexpected expenses or make large purchases such as cars or appliances. Additionally, many homeowners refinance their homes every few years to take advantage of historically low interest rates and increase their home's value even further.

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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