Zip Code:

95672, Rescue, CA

95672 is a California Zip code within the city of Rescue and the county of El Dorado County. Its population is roughly 5,266.

The Real Estate Market in the 95672 Zip Code of Rescue, CA

The 95672 zip code of Rescue, CA has a median home value of $269,000. This is significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $177,500. The 95672 zip code also has a high percentage of homeowners with a mortgage (79%). This is much higher than the statewide average mortgage percentage of 62%.

One reason for the high percentage of homeowners with a mortgage in the 95672 zip code may be that Rescue is a popular retirement community. Many residents may have purchased their homes in this area before it became a retirement community and were able to afford to take out large mortgages. Additionally, many people in this area are likely wealthy enough that they do not need to worry about making monthly payments on their mortgages.

Despite having a high percentage of homeowners with mortgages, the 95672 zip code still has an above-average rate of home equity growth. Over the past five years, home equity growth in this area has averaged 8%. This is much higher than the statewide average rate of 4%. One possible explanation for this high rate of home equity growth is that many people in Rescue are buying and renovating homes rather than simply renting them out.

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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