Zip Code:

95673, Rio Linda, CA

95673 is a California Zip code within the city of Rio Linda and the county of Sacramento County. Its population is roughly 16,636.

Rio Linda, CA: A Place to Call Home

The 95673 zip code of Rio Linda, CA has a median home value of $254,000. The 95673 zip code is located in the Sacramento metropolitan area and has a population of approximately 54,000 people. The median age in the 95673 zip code is 36 years old. Approximately 45% of the population in the 95673 zip code are homeowners while 55% are renters.

There has been an increase in home values over the past five years in the 95673 zip code. In 2013, the median home value was $236,000 and by 2017 it had increased to $254,000. This indicates that there is an increase in demand for homes within this particular area and that people are willing to pay more for properties here. It is also likely that this increase is due to low interest rates and increasing wages which make buying a home more affordable than it has been in previous years.

Despite this positive trend, there are still some areas within the 95673 zip code where home values are lower than average. Specifically, neighborhoods near schools or commercial areas have lower home values than those located further away from these types of areas. Additionally, homes that were built before 2000 tend to have lower values than newer homes because they may not be as well maintained or have less features than newer homes.

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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