Zip Code:

95942, Forest Ranch, CA

95942 is a California Zip code within the city of Forest Ranch and the county of Butte County. Its population is roughly 934.

Forest Ranch: A Community of Opportunity

Forest Ranch, CA is located in the 95942 zip code. Forest Ranch has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in Forest Ranch is $85,000. The median home value in Forest Ranch is $1,050,000.

The average home equity in Forest Ranch is $269,500. The average home price in Forest Ranch is $1,050,000. Home equity growth rates for the 95942 zip code are 2%.

There are a total of 1,857 homes for sale in the 95942 zip code. There are a total of 1,737 homes available for purchase in the 95942 zip code. There are a total of 897 single family homes available for purchase and 554 multi-family units available for purchase in the 95942 zip code.

Price Index: Chico, CA

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