
Arcadia, KS

Arcadia is a city in the state of kansas with a population of roughly 525. It is in Crawford County, Kansas the Pittsburg, KS core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 66711 .

Trends in Home Prices in Arcadia, KS

Arcadia is a small town in Johnson County, Kansas, located about 30 miles west of Wichita. The population was 1,848 at the 2010 census. Arcadia was founded in 1872 and named for the Arcadian Forest near Rome.

The town's economy is based on agriculture and related businesses, with some light manufacturing. Arcadia has two schools (grades K-12), a post office, several businesses including a grocery store and gas station, and a few churches. The town is served by the Johnson County Library system.

Arcadia is located in an agricultural area that has been in continuous production since pioneer days. The town's main crops are corn, soybeans, wheat and hay; there are also cattle and chicken operations. There are also orchards and vineyards in the area.

The main transportation routes into Arcadia are U.S Highway 281 to the north and south; State Highway 77 to the east; and Interstate 35 to the west. There is no rail service into or out of Arcadia.

There are several housing subdivisions within Arcadia: Arbor Hills Estates (built 1954), Country Meadows (built 1966), Heritage Hills (built 1967), Park Place (built 1969)and Village Green (built 1970).

There are also single family homes scattered throughout the town as well as duplexes/triplexes/fourplexes . Most of these homes were built between 1970-2000 . Prices for single family homes range from $100K to over $1 million dollars depending on location within town limits . New construction within city limits typically starts around $150K with prices increasing as you move away from city limits

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