
White Marsh, MD

White Marsh is a city in the state of maryland with a population of roughly 4,331. It is in Baltimore County, Maryland the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 21162 .

Price Trends in White Marsh, MD

White Marsh is a suburban community located in Baltimore County, Maryland. The population was 23,827 at the 2010 census. White Marsh is bordered by Owings Mills to the north, Towson to the east, Randallstown to the south and west, and Glen Burnie to the northwest.

The land that White Marsh now occupies was originally part of a tract purchased by George Washington in 1754. The area was known as "Washington's Woods" and served as a hunting ground for Washington and his friends. In 1789, John Eager Howard purchased of land in what would become White Marsh from Washington's grandson George Washington Parke Custis. Howard developed the area into a plantation with several hundred slaves working on it. In 1851, Howard's son-in-law Edwin Land acquired an additional .

In 1892, Edward Crain developed what would become known as Crain's Addition on part of Land's estate. This addition became known for its large homes built by wealthy Baltimoreans during the late 19th century. In 1906, Charles Withers acquired of land in what would become White Marsh from Land and began developing it into a suburb with streets named after famous Americans including George Washington Carver and Benjamin Franklin. Withers also constructed several churches in White Marsh including First Presbyterian Church (1906), Mount Zion Baptist Church (1910), Saint Paul United Methodist Church (1920), Christ Episcopal Church (1924), Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (1959) and Holy Cross Catholic Church (1964).

In 1922, Arthur Bohn bought of land in what would become White Marsh from Withers and began developing it into another suburb with streets named after famous Americans including Thomas Jefferson Davis Jr., James K Polk Sr., Ulysses S Grant Jr., Dwight D Eisenhower Sr., Robert E Lee Sr., John F Kennedy Jr., Lyndon B Johnson Jr., Franklin D Roosevelt Jr., General Douglas MacArthur and Adm William Halsey Jr.. Bohn also constructed several churches including Saint Luke Lutheran Church (1922), Calvary Baptist Church (1924), Bethany Bible Baptist Church (1945) and Trinity United Methodist Church (1963).

In 1949, developers Harry Jaffe & Joseph Weinberg developed what would become known as The Village on part of Bohn's estate. This development consisted of single-family homes built around a central shopping district featuring stores such as Woolworths & JCPenney which had opened by 1950. The Village became popular among middle-class families who were seeking more affordable housing than found in downtown Baltimore or Towson Town Center which had been established earlier that decade.

In 1965, developers Melvin Simon & Associates developed what would become Park Heights on part of Bohn's estate which featured high-rise apartments designed by architect Mies van der Rohe which were among the first high-rise buildings constructed in Baltimore County outside downtown Baltimore City limits since World War II.. Park Heights became one of the most affluent neighborhoods in Maryland with an average household income over $100k per year by 2000..

The development boom that began during the 1990s led to numerous problems within Park Heights including increasing crime rates , overcrowding , poor infrastructure , lack of retail stores , high taxes , low quality construction materials used within buildings , limited access to public transportation , etc... By 2006 however Park Heights had begun experiencing some gentrification trends with prices increasing for housing units within proximity to major employment centers such as Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus .

Price Index: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD

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