
Mount Clemens, MI

Mount Clemens is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 16,332. It is in Macomb County, Michigan the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 48043 .

The Price of Home in Mount Clemens, Michigan

Mount Clemens is a city in Macomb County, Michigan, United States. The population was 20,853 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Detroit metropolitan area.

The city was founded in 1835 and named for General William Henry Harrison's home town of Mount Clemens in Ohio. The first settler arrived in 1837 and the first business was a general store. In 1840, there were only twelve residents and by 1850 there were over one hundred people living in the town. The first school was built in 1851 and by 1860 there were two churches and four businesses.

In 1870, a railroad line was built through Mount Clemens connecting Detroit with Chicago which led to an increase in population as people moved into the city to work on the railroad. In 1880, there were 1,500 residents and by 1890 that number had increased to 5,000 people.

In 1900, Mount Clemens had 10 businesses including a bank and two newspapers; it had also been incorporated as a city. By 1910 there were 20 businesses and 1,500 residents; however this number decreased due to the Great Depression which hit Michigan hard.

In 1940, Mount Clemens had 25 businesses including two banks; it also had five churches and six schools. However by 1960 only thirteen businesses remained although the population had increased to 26,000 people due to migration from other parts of Michigan as well as from outside of Michigan due to growth within Detroit itself.

By 1990 there were 38 businesses including three banks; however this number decreased again due to economic conditions during that time period as well as competition from other cities within Macomb County such as Warren (to the north) and Sterling Heights (to the south). However since then things have started to improve for Mount Clemens with new development projects such as casinos being built nearby which has led to an increase in population once again (currently at 28,000 people).

Price Index: Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)

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